Our founder, Kathleen Holm, was recently covered on SNews Yoga’s website as she shared her vision for creating 400 million yogis by year 2020.
From the article:
You hear so much uproar about how mainstream and watered down yoga is becoming. We want to cast a wider net to attract more people with 400 million yogis by the year 2020. As far as I am concerned, yoag always comes back to the basic elements: connect to breath and be mindful of movement. As long as you can do that, then it’s yoga. I don’t care if it’s yoga and chocolate or yoga and rafting. Maybe you will become distracted but I want to distract you with something that inspires you and then bring you back to yourself.
Read the entire article here: http://www.snewsnet.com/news/state-of-the-studio-kathleen-holm-talks-yoga-flow-sf-and-the-goal-of-creating-400-million-yogis/
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